Am a computer science Bsc holder,David by name,hav a sister who is my only sibling by name Vero.Our parents died wen we were stil very young,14 & 17yrs precisely,wen mum was dying,she askd 4 only one request 4rm me "Take kia of ur younger sister very well,b her guardian angel & mak sure she neva gets hurt",I promise 2 kip dis wit my last blood.
Years has gone now,though life was tough bt I managed 2 see myself thru scul.

I hav a childhood male friend Smart who cam in 2 d state I reside now 4 a new job,dere was no choice bt 2 accomodate him,he doesnt knw about d cameras also,I hav no intention of using d programme 4 -ve tins.
I decided 2 run a TV show I called "EVERYDAY LIFE & ACTIVITIES" which shall b show casing how & wat one does daily. I decided 2 use myself as a start,I mounted Digital cameras in some locations in my house,only me knws about it,for more dan 3 months now d cameras hav been recording all my activities at home wit d one in my place of work.Vero stays in scul & only cums back during vacations,she also doesnt knw about my programme.
Smart has been a gud person sinc over 4 months we hav been living 2geda,Vero also do cum back & all of us do stay as one family.
After each day's recording,I do review dem.
On cuming back 4rm work few days back,my little Angel Vero wasnt in a happy mood,her eyes were soaked wit tears,I tried 2 ask her,bt bcos her heart was filled wit pain,she couldnt say anytin,tears were rolling down her chicks.
I began 2 wonder wat happened,I askd about Smart,she said he went out dis evening,many tots began 2 flow thru my mind,I went 2 my media room,locked myself up 2 review d day's recording,mayb I can get a clue of wat happened.
As I began 2 watch d tapes,my evryday life & activities TV show began 2 turn in2 a Movie wen by d recording tym in d camera as 9:45am,Smart is stil at home,he was supposed 2 leave d house as at 8am. 10:19am recording tym,Vero went 2 hav her bath,not quite long,Smart enterd my room,began 2 feel my bed,touching it & dressing it. "Wat is about 2 happen?" I askd myself,hmmm.... 10:35am Vero entered while I noticed Smart hiding at d back of d door,as my little sis entered & headed 2 d cosmetics' stand 2wards d head of d bed,Smart came out 4rm his hiding spot,"Vero do u knw u are beautiful?" he told my sis,she was angry wit Smart 4 his action & askd him 2 leave d room,smart began 2 drag her 2d bed,dere began a fight b/w dem,Smart slapped her pushed her down on d bed,gav her a blow on her muscle dat made her bones became weak,she began 2 scream 4 help bt his hand was on her mouth,smart raped my baby sis on my own bed,not only dat,she is still a virgin,I mean my sister's virginity blood on my bed instead of her hubby's bed,I couldnt hold myself as I watched d tape,I was boiling inside me.
I quickly called my sis,I played d tape again wit her,she was just crying in my arms,I hav no option dan 2 pay back.
My sis needed revenge too,I remembered wat I promised mum,No! mum wont b happy wit me if I stay calm.
Dis is where my TV show begins I said 2 myself.
I set d cameras again,den smart came in by 7pm,I pretended dat nothing happened,she also did as if she has 4goten evrytin bcos smart pleaded wit her after d act nt 2 let me knw.
Den as at 1am in d nite,I tied smart in2 a chair,replayed d tape 4him.
Since den,Smart has been my hostage,am killing him slowly,I've plucked one of his eyes,his ears also,his left fingers are off & right toes inclusively,am realy thirsty 4 blood revenge now,after Smart is dead,I must mak sure I wipe out his family & dere after publish my tape 2b run as a TV show.
I dnt care wat happens later,am gona giv in my last blood 2see dat who eva hurts my sis goes down & like dis kind,I cant luk back...
Members,dis guy sent me dis msg,he said his mind is made up,bt I tink we can do sometin if dere is sometin 2b done.
**So if u are in dis guy's shoe,wat wil u do 2 Smart ur childhood friend or how wil u treat d situation?
Do u tink dat dis guy's action is d best & if nt,wat would u advice him 2do at dis stage or how best can u stop him 4rm going ahead wit his plans?
**Remember,u can b part of Smart's family & u find urself paying 4d food u didnt eat,or u can b Vero's relative

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