Famous Lies Married Men Uses On Single Ladies

Most women are notorious for believing lies that married men tell them.
They take every word like it's the gospel of Matthew only to be disappointed that it's not even written. Here are a few of those lies.
1. I am not legally married to my wife. She took in for me by accident & now she won't leave me alone.
2. Where were you b4 I married that IDIOT? I wish i met you first because I never would have married her.
3. I haven't divorced her because of the children. But I will. Just hang on with me.
4. She's a mean evil witch/bitch, and she mistreats me. She wants to kill me.
5. I'm in the process of a divorce, but it's stalled because small technicalities.
6. I don't love her anymore and I don't think I ever did.
7. We don't sleep together & haven't for a very long time.
8. Marrying this woman was the worst mistake I ever made in this life.
9. My wife is a lesbian. She's not into men. She has told me severally that marrying me was to have kids. Infact, she used me...(..he sobs..& d foolish girl pats his back telling him, "Its okay").
10. My wife cheats on me but I have been faithful to her. Now its my turn to start. She started it.
If you've heard & believed any of these famous lies, u have "taken the bait" hook, line & sinker & trust me the relationship is headed to a place called HELL.
1.Majority of married men never leave their wives.
2.He will continue to string you along for as you long as you stay on board.
3.It's time for you to get off on board & break it off. Leave him alone.
4.He is using u & when he gets tired of u, he ll' dumped.
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