There are different things that can be done to enhance your mental productivity and walk in the fullness of your potential. A sound mind is a gift but you are to work out the forces of excellent encoded in the mind.

1 UPGRADE YOUR MIND- keep your mind informed at all time and in what you are doing. There is no limit to the height a reader can attain.

2 MAKE YOUR BRAIN TO SWEAT; THINK- one of the greatest uses of the mind for productivity is in thinking.

3 ACQUIRE REQUISITE SKILLS- acquire requisite skills in your chosen field, makes you an expert in that field.

4 VALUE HARDWORK- value deligence as a quality for success.

5 BE MENTORED BY AN INCURABLE OPTIMIST-a mentor is someone who insires. A model for standard and for pattern learning. Someone who can help stretch your capacity beyond mediocrity.

6 KEEP COMPANIONS OF PURPOSE- success is contagious. Keep company with those who are successful.

7 EMPOWERMENT OF THE SPIRIT- let your life be empowered by the spirit of God

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