The Scholarship for Social Change - Apply Now


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Community is at the heart of our societies, economies and cultures — and can improve lives if mobilized effectively. This full academic scholarship recognizes and rewards students who have played an important role in creating a social movement — which in turn has produced significant change — by leveraging community resources.
“Remember the domino effect…one path of change, one domino piece falling can hit two new paths, then three, then more and more branches until you can’t tell the change all began with the tap, push, fall of just one domino. Don’t hesitate to tap that first piece and start the action.”
—Gabriella, Minerva Founding Class student
At Minerva, we believe that students who collaborate effectively to create social movements have the drive, values and motivation to help make the world a better place. Because great leaders must inspire others to work toward common goals, having already promoted change through a social movement is a strong foundation for future community mobilization.
We seek to identify and reward students who have a record of mobilizing others to work toward a common goal, with the aim of improving life for members of the overall community.

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