EcoCash: Adds Local Language To Enhance User Experience

As a result of this development, EcoCash joins the list of notable companies like Google, who have added multiple languages interfaces in order to create an exciting customer experience.
EcoCash adds local languages to its service.
EcoCash has been identified as the most trusted payment channel in Zimbabwe. They are also the recipients of the “Best network led mobile money service award” at the mobile money expo, held in Lagos, Nigeria.
The company launched yet another innovative idea that will encourage non-English speakers in Zimbabwe to sign-up on the mobile money platform.
EcoCash added local languages to the platform. Notable among the languages are the Ndebele and Shona languages.
The head of EcoCash business, Natalie Jabangwe-Morris, while briefing the press, said: “EcoCash is not just about financial inclusion,it is also about inclusive growth which means taking customer’s preferences and choice into account on the innovative EcoCash journey.”
Lending his voice, the CEO of Econet Services, Dr Jimmy Shindi said ‘We seek to provide expansive customer inclusion by ensuring that every person in Zimbabwe, regardless of their location, rural or urban, is able to articulate and understand our products and services without any difficulty.’
As a result of this development, EcoCash joins the list of notable companies like Google, who have added multiple languages interfaces in order to create an exciting customer experience.

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