“Why do men cheat?” - FACT

I have heard this question a little too much and due to the disgust that comes from the majority of women who ask me this question like men are so evil, my immediate response is “Who do men cheat with?”

Please don’t give me the gay lecture.
We all know where the majority lies. Men cheat with women! And if men cheat as much and with as many women as women claim, and since we already deduced that men cheat majorly with women, then it can be argued that women cheat more than men!
For the mathematically inclined folks who may not fancy the above statement, what I mean is:
if 1 Man cheats with 5 Women => 5 Women cheat with 1 Man
Truth be told there is no exact method to calculate who takes the larger share but the fact is Women cheat just as much as men and vice versa.
The irony of life is many ladies claim to hate cheaters and yet they love Olivia Pope and President Fitzgerald in the popular series “Scandal” and there excuse is “they are so in love.” Well it’s still doesn’t change what it is – cheating is cheating irrespective of the basis it was founded on.
On the flip side, some people are so in love with their partner and yet they still indulge in it. Some say they can’t help it, some say it’s just fun, some even say it’s the rush of the feeling that you might get caught that makes it so much fun.
I’m not here to make any judgements and I know it’s NOT IMPOSSIBLE to stay away from it, I just have one question…ok two:

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