(WARNING! This is a very long piece, definitely not for the lazy reader!)
The church was filled to capacity. It was thanksgiving Sunday. We were all charged up from the sermon and in preparation for the hour of praise and worship when the Man of God (MOG) paused. He looked up at the ceiling and down at the congregation and after a brief moment that seemed like forever, he chanted "God said there are some people here committing adultery and fornication, there are some womanisers and manizers seated here and God says if you do not come out, you will not be alive to experience the next thanksgiving service. No one came out.
The MOG continued. “If I didn't hear God I will not say I did." He repeated himself. "God said there are some people here committing adultery and fornication, there are some womanisers or manizers seated here and if you do not come out, you will not be alive to experience the next thanksgiving service." The church was silent, but for the constricting sound made from the throat of some brethren swallowing dry spit, and sound of some gasping for breath in anxiety and legs shaking in fear. We were all engrossed in our thoughts. In moments like this, you can't but thank God for the secrecy of thoughts. As the bible says, "for as our faces differ so do our problems".
Since no one came out because "we" or "they" were shy, the MOG announced that those affected could come out at the end of the service during the altar call, so no one could tell. And so with all heads bowed and eyes closed, the man of God made the call again for the last time.
As people reluctantly walked towards the altar, either out of the fear of death before the next thanksgiving service or in true repentance, I sat glued to my chair drained of the excitement that normally accompany praise and worship. The insides of me churned, my palms were sweaty, a slight ache danced around every part of me and lingered on my fingers and toes. It was impossible to keep my eyes closed, with my head bowed, I looked to my right at the brethren seated on my row. Some legs were shaking uncontrollably, some sobbing, while some were praying inaudible sounds. I turned to my left, the scene was the same. What were we thinking? Probably "does the MOG realise that we are all saved by grace, Holy Ghost filled, water baptised and heavenly bound". "Does he know we pay our tithes and sow seeds?" "Does he know we are choir members, church workers and titled elders in church?"
I could only imagine their thoughts and wondered which group of adulterers and fornicators the Man of God was referring to. Does the call include those of us that have been married for years and our husbands stopped having sexual intercourse with us years ago and have turned to our pastors and doctors for both spiritual and sexual healing? Does the call include those of us who don’t want to divorce our spouse because the pastors says divorce is not of God but have found solace on the beds of our younger employees? Is this call for those of us whose husbands have become impotent, whose husbands can't get it up, and instead of exposing them to ridicule, having taken the oath of for better or for worse, have remained married in pain, with tears and in dissatisfaction? Is this call for us lesbians and homosexuals? Can our act be categorized as fornication or adultery? Does this call include those of us who commit the adultery and fornication in our minds? Does it include those of us that have to fornicate and commit adultery to keep our jobs? Is the call referring to those of us that have only one boyfriend/girlfriend? Does the call refer to those of us that have suddenly approached the afternoon session of our lives with nothing to show from the journey, no child, no husband and a dim future? Is the MOG saying we will not live to see the next thanksgiving because we fornicate once in a while with a married/single man? Which group are you referring to Man of God?
Yours truly was nicely seated and watched as the once empty altar filled up. Indeed judgment will begin in the house of God. But who am I to judge another man as the bible says judge not least you too be judged.
But will this altar call stop us from committing adultery and fornication? Will it stop us from womanizing and manizing? The bible reports that, prophets of God have made similar calls but the hearts and minds of the people in the church have remained hardened.
Apostle Paul made this call in his first letter to the church he had set up in Corinth when he said that fornication was common amongst them. According to him "it is reported commonly that there is fornication among you". In the letter he stated that one of the leaders of the church was having sex with his father’s wife and the church had done nothing about it. He lashed out at the church elders for being puffed up because they were also engaged in fornication. He further advised that the church should flee fornication. Apostle Paul advised the church to abstain from fornication or get married if they can't hold themselves.
If Apostle Paul was alive today I wonder what his advice would be. He would see we still engage in the acts of adultery and fornication covertly or openly even though we are proclaimed ‘born agains’. He will observe that we have failed to renew our minds with the word of God, because we still don’t understand that until we kill it in our minds, we cannot kill it in our lives and so we unsuccessfully battle the devil when the real enemy is within us. Until we renew our minds by hiding the word in our hearts, we will continue to hide under the words of Apostle Paul and helplessly declare that "the good deeds I want to do, I don't, while the bad deeds I don't want to do, I find myself doing".
We have become like Timothy said in the bible, "lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof - ever learning but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth".
Adultery is mentioned 30 times in the bible and fornication is mentioned 26 times. In all we are admonished to abstain. We are told in simple sentences the punishment and rewards of committing adultery and fornication.
Fornication or adultery are sins we commit with our eyes open. Like the bible says. We fall because we are tempted by our lust. It's never an error. Like every choice we make, they have their consequences!
Back to the story, at the next thanksgiving service, no obituary was announced. Did the man of God not hear from God? I don’t know and I didn't ask but whether he heard from God or not, heaven and hell is real. Whether we refuse to come out in self-righteousness or we believe by God’s grace we will continue to commit adultery and fornication and we will not die after all the Bible says where sin abounds grace abounds even more, heaven and hell is real.
The message is the same. We all know the category we fall into, no stone has been cast, as the bible says he that is innocent let him cast the first stone. We all know what we do, the message is not to point out our wrong (we already know our wrongs) but to point us towards God. The bible encourages us to "Rejoice, O young man in thy youth and let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth and walk in the ways of thine heart, and In the sight of thine heart and thine eyes: but know thou that God will bring thee into judgment.
Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter as the bible says: fear God and keep his commandments for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good or whether it be evil. On the judgment day, there will be no Man of God to call out those committing adultery and fornication to repent or die; it is that if we die in our sins, we will spend eternity in hell where there is no repentance. May God help us all in Jesus mighty name. Amen.

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