A Word of Advice for Our Mothers

1. Do not compare your husband with any other husband for it is the roof that covers our nakedness
2. Be content with what you have and don’t be over demanding and extravagant
3. Practice being the virtuous wife of pro 31:10-31; fear God, labour and provide for your family; cover any financial gap left by your husband’s inadequacy
4. Be thankful and appreciate your husband for every good gesture and effort made towards you and family.
5. Instead of recompensing your husband’s shortcomings with nagging, be the first to provoke him to love by showing live and understanding.
6. Be a Godly and wise adviser to you husband honoring that id he falls, but is the fall of every family. Don’t support the evils of your husband bit correct him in love.
7. Always pray for your family. Be a home builder through prevailing prayer. Block out every evil in your family through timely and persistent prayers
8. Do not be a partaker of any one’s evil. Select the group you belong with Godly wisdom. Some groups will destroy you while some will build you.
9. Forsake any counsel that will set you against your husband, pastor, and children.
10. Let the word that come out of your mouth build and not destroy; let it comfort and not despair, let it heal and not would.

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